The days of summer keep going by
so fast! I'm afraid to blink for fear that when I open my eyes it will be August 22nd and my last summer, before "real life" begins, will be over. I've enjoyed slumbering whenever I please and doing whatever I feel like, within reason of course, way too much!

One precious memory I have growing up is of a Fourth of July celebration when my dad stood at attention and sung the army battle song. I remember tears trickled down my mom's face while we all looked at the American flag. It was a beautiful sight. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster and my eyes water up. I'll never forget the love my dad has for his country and that makes July 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day really special to me.
The Fourth of July always reminds me of home. Growing up in a military family meant that
a large part of the home be decorated in honor to America and all that entails. My home growing up was no exception. Decorations of red, white, and blue weren't hung up during just one month out of the year, but rather they were displayed every-single-day of the year. The reminder of the sacrifices it takes to live a life free from oppression were constant growing up--particularly when seeing my dad in his uniform...
Here are a few decorations I put around the house to make it feel a little more festive. I love this little wall hanging my mom made for me.

May I just add, my mom is the
most talented women I know! She can do everything from cooking and sewing to jewelry making and basket weaving...did I mention she mats and frames her own pictures, too???? The list just goes on and on and on... But really, isn't this a great door decoration!!

On the left are the Polish Pottery Americana homes my mom gave me. Quite ironic, Polish Pottery and America mixed into one...haha! In the middle is an American flag my dad had flown for Dan and I last year during his deployment to Iraq. And on the right is the cute homemade calendar I got from my grandma Kropushek this past Christmas--so so cute!

I just LOVE this display!

Since the 4th of July was on a Monday this year, we were able to celebrate the holiday the entire weekend. Friday night after I got home from work, we went and watched fireworks at Elmwood Park by UNO. The fireworks were after a concert by .38 Special. Dan and I skipped out on the concert because we'd already heard them play while visiting my parents in Cuba in 2009. Saturday night we also watched fireworks held at the new College World Series ball park in down town Omaha. They were beautiful!!!!

Taking pictures of fireworks is really quite tough--as evident from these!

Better luck next firework show!

On the Fourth, we started the day early with a neighborhood breakfast of waffles topped with all sorts of fresh fruits, and Dan's favorite--whipped topping! After breakfast the guys chatted about school stuff while the girls chatted and painted nails! Dahlia, our friend who hosted the breakfast, and I painted ours toe nails Fourth of July style--Red and White stripes on one foot and blue sparkles on the other! so so fun!

Next, we went slip-and-sliddin' across the street from our house on a huge hill! It was a homemade slip-and-slide a guy from our ward set up with painter plastic and a few sprinklers. What an fun idea! Dan and I raced to the bottom every time, and he always won--lucky him! After a while the people who owned the property we were slip-and-slidding on kicked us off due to liability reasons. BUMMER!
After that, Dan and I went for a nice long run and got kicked off the levy that runs along the Missouri River by the National Guard. ---ooops! Didn't know you couldn't run on a levy when there was a pending flood...

Next we had smoked ribs and rib-lets with the Jacobson's (dental students in our ward) and the Wright's (medical students in Dan's class). The ribs and rib-lets were delicious!!! Matt always does a great job with his smoker. YUM!!

After dinner we played the game, Clue, which Dan slaughtered everyone in. I keep telling Dan that he better start letting some other people win or our friends won't want to play with us anymore..LOL!
When the sun was setting Dan and I passed the football around until the firework show which was held at Harrah's Casino on the river. We were able to see the show across the street from our house! How convenient!
I hope everyone had a fabulous time celebrating yet another year of independence with family, friends, and good food!!!
And what's fireworks without a kiss?
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