On Wednesday night we went to the Winter Quarters Musical called "Come Home to Kanesville." The musical was put on at the Kanesville Tabernacle where Brigham Young was set apart as prophet of the church many, many, many years ago.
Dan and I went to the play last year and absolutely LOVED it! It's a story of love and faith amidst a pioneer family's journey West. The musical has me near at tears every time we go. There is a live band playing all the music behind the screen of the play so you can actually see them playing as the actors and actresses are singing. Also, there is a choir behind us who sing along as well. The performers dance up and down the isles too. All of this combined with the lovely story brings the spirit so strongly to my heart. My testimony of the gospel is always strengthened each time we go. I love it!

They always perform the play around pioneer days which is perfect because outside of Utah and Nauvoo no one really celebrates the 24th of July to honor the faithful saints who scarified everything so their posterity would no longer be persecuted for their beliefs.
Needless to say, I'm grateful for those who work so hard to put on the play so others, like myself, can enjoy the message and spirit they bring.

For dessert, I made vanilla cream pie since we were fresh out of banana pudding! Dan LOVED it!

Strawberries are on sale right now for $0.88/lb, so I just had to throw some of those in! I'm thinking I should can some strawberry jam since strawberries are on such a good deal, but I don't know if I dare do it by myself.....
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