Anyway onto the story of the Kitchen Aid...
So for the past few months before our trip to Colorado, I'd been slowly convincing Dan that I needed a Kitchen Aid. Every time we would step into Wal Mart, we'd somehow drift over to the appliance section of the store. And our conversation would go something like...
Me: "It seems like every time I go to make cookies or some dessert it takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r."
Dan: "I know. It's that hand mixer of yours that keeps shorting out."
Me: "Yeah, I know. We should probably think about getting a real mixer. What do you think about this Kitchen Aid."
Dan: "$250 cookies are a little pricey, don't you think?"
Me: "Oh Danny, you know I need one!!!!!"
Dan: "hahahahaha! Now, what were we here for?"
Literally, making cookies took ALL afternoon. It was more frustrating then it definitely should have been! The biggest frustration was the time issue. As a college student, I couldn't afford spending hours making cookies, but Dan and I also couldn't really afford buying cookies all the time to satisfy our cookie cravings. So there we were, left in a rut.
Well, after a little Black Friday shopping around with my parents, the Kitchen Aid was purchased by the one and only, Santa.
After making a few batches of cookies with it, Dan and I decided that it sounded awfully strange when switching gears. I was so worried my Kitchen Aid was broken. A few months later after making yet a few more batches of cookies, I decided something still didn't sound right. I even called my mom and listened to her Kitchen Aid over the phone to make sure I wasn't just paranoid.
Dan volunteered to return the Kitchen Aid for me since it was still under its' one year warranty. A week or so later, our new one arrived in the mail and it's been popping out all sorts of goodies!!!!
Either way, baking has become so much fun in our home. I enjoy mixing and Dan and I both enjoy eating!--As Dan would say, "I'd rather die of diabetes than a heart attack or a stroke, so bring on the sugar."
Yum! Good investment, I'd say. Not that I actually have a KitchenAid...but someday!! Until then, I guess a bowl and wooden spoon will have to cut it (and our tiny but trusty hand mixer) :) Happy baking!