I think I've mentioned before that Dan's the fundraising chair for a free medical clinic in Omaha called the Magis Clinic, which keeps him pretty busy. Well, as the fundraising chair Dan obviously has to set up A LOT of fundraising events to help raise enough money to help run the free clinic.
Dan's in charge of a few very crucial fundraisers for Magis. Among these are two wine tasting events. Since we don't drink, it's quite interesting that Dan's in charge of such events. But really it doesn't matter what event Dan is putting on, he always does a fantastic job and this event was no exception.
Unfortunately, the event had to be held on a Sunday, so after sacrament meeting we headed to Nehawka, NE where the event was to be held. We simply plugged the address to the winery into the GPS and we were off. Dan had to do some setting up before the event started and we were on schedule to pull into the winery an hour before it began, so Dan could do what he needed before everyone showed up.
About 45 minutes to an hour later we knew something was wrong when the GPS announced we had arrived at our destination on the left and we were surrounded by nothing but cornfields. I could see the panic swarm through Dan. If anyone knows Dan, they know he hates being lost. Immediately we got onto our phones making calls to someone who could help us. But everyone was still in church. Finally Dan got a hold of someone. He explained where we were at the best he could and they tried to give us directions. We back tracked for about a half hour and followed the directions we were given to a T but got lost again. Dan spotted someone on the side of the road and stopped to ask for directions (after I insisted). The guy was not helpful at all. So Dan tried to use his phone again, but this time he had no signal. So we guessed the best which way to go. No such luck! We drove until we could literally drive no more because the road was flooded and roped off.
Frustration doesn't even put into perspective the way we felt. It was extremely hot and humid outside and after all this driving we were down to a fourth tank of gas. And now we were late. Dan kept driving and kept trying to get someone on the phone. When he finally got someone on the phone, we got new directions. Directions that worked this time. But we showed up an HOUR late. Yes, a whole HOUR late. Which actually turned out to not even be a big deal, but it was embarrassing nonetheless.
After all the hassle we went through to get there, we surprisingly had a great rest of the day despite the blistering heat!!!
Lesson learned: Don't rely on the GPS in Nebraska!
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