Thursday, August 1, 2013

31 Weeks Pregnant

This week I picked up more hours at work, which have kept me on my toes. Dan thinks I should stop picking up the hours, but knowing that I'll be going on maternity leave soon, I'm excited to work.

This past weekend we went to a wedding at the Joslyn Museum. We were a little late since I ended up going into work, but it was a lot of fun dressing up and hanging out with friends. We ate a ton of candy and stayed up entirely too late. I wish I would have taken some cute pictures of Dan and me :( Since I've been pregnant, my bedtime is 10pm. I just can't seem to stay up any later. I literally can't keep my eyes open!

This Tuesday, my friend Maggie threw me a baby shower! It was so much fun! She took so much time and spent so much money on me. I'm extremely spoiled! I had such a great time at the baby shower and I'm so glad so many of my friends were able to make it! Thanks for all the gifts and support!!!

At the baby shower, I finally revealed Heath's name to all of my friends through a fun birth story! If I recall right, he is going to be 9lbs 10 ounces and 24 inches long and born at the zoo!

The decorations and food table (without the food set up yet) I forgot to take one once everything was set out! We at lots of cookies, fresh fruit, and yummy milk--Heath wiggles when I drank the chocolate milk!

Wishes for Heath from all my friends! Thanks for your sweet wishes! I hope they come true!

The party favors!

The loot filled my living room :) Thanks!

It's a night to celebrate Heath, which I will never forget!

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