My mom and Carson are finally here, so that means Heath can come!!!! He must not be ready to come yet, bummer! I keep praying and praying that he will keep growing, be healthy, and come when the Lord would have Heath come. I hope that time is soon! It would make life so much easier if Heath would come early this week so that we could move this coming weekend prior to Dan starting residency. I have to admit, I've been quite emotional about it all. It just seems like this trial Dan and I have to go through has been so long and drug out. It's so hard to plan and be prepared when we have no idea when Heath will come. It seems like if only we knew the day Heath would arrive, we could eliminate all our worry and stress, but of course, that is the one variable that only the Lord knows. I just hope and pray that if I am induced that the delivery will go as smoothly as possible and our baby will be healthy and not have to suffer any complications.
On Sunday, Dan and I went for a 5 mile walk. I started to have contractions every 5 minutes for about 20 minutes and then then gradually got further and further apart. I have just felt very uncomfortable. Dan and I decided I would go on maternity leave this week. I'd hate to work 12 hours and then go into labor and not be rested enough to push out our baby.
My mom and I have been doing a lot of preparations for Heath's arrival. I really hope he comes soon! We're sewing and sewing! My mom is making cloth diapers and I've pretty much been packing and working out with Dan. We've been walking and walking. I did run up the hill in front of our house once this week, but it obviously didn't work much :(
I had my membranes stripped twice this week. My doctor said that since I could tolerate that pain without much difficulty, labor should be fairly easy for me. I'm just hoping she's right :)
If Heath hasn't arrived my Thursday night, we'll be induced Friday morning and then Dan will leave Saturday for residency.

I just hope he'll come soon!!!
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