Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3 Months

My baby is three months! Heath has learned to do a lot in this past month. 
Heath has been taking a few 2 hours naps every once in a while, which is so nice since he has pretty much stopped taking routine naps. When he does take naps, they are on average 30 minutes--entirely too short!
(mom is working on getting Heath back on track)!
Heath has been starting to hold our fingers when we put our finger into his hand! He doesn't do it all the time,  but when he does, it's special!
Heath loves his dad. He kind of forgets who he is every once in a while since he works so much, but once inpatient cardiology is over, Heath will get used to him again!
Heath is more active and talkative each and every day. It's amazing how much he can change in a day!
Heath gets really fussy in his car seat, but he is so good otherwise. 
For the most part, Heath likes to go for walks outside, but sometimes he cries which cuts them short. 
Heath LOVES:
-When mom or dad coos at him and make funny noises!
-To say "a-waooow," "aawwww," "a-gooo" "eeeeeh"
-Your plastic chain toy swung in a circle above your head
-Your frog mobile. You smile instantly when you see it! 
-"Mr. Binks" (your binkie)
Heath dislikes:
-Bath time (hoping this is a phase)
-Gas :(
On September 1st, Heath laughed for the first time :) Daddy made him laugh, but mommy heard it too! It's SO endearing! 
On September 4th, Heath squealed for the first time! It happened when daddy was playing with Heath on his new wiggle worm play mat, but mommy heard it from the kitchen!
Heath kind of like raspberries blown on his tummy, but he's really not sure what to think about them yet!
Heath smiles when we set him on his feet! He is holding more of his own weight too!
Heath is starting to blow bubbles!
According to our home scale, Heath is 15 lbs 4 ounces! 
Mommy had a scare this month. She almost lost her milk, but due to some good advice, she was able to get it back and in full force too! 
Picture overload!

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