Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's a BOY!

We finally found out we are expecting the cutest little baby BOY in June!

He is already so incredibly handsome. His nose is my absolute favorite! I can't wait to give it little Eskimo kisses! I'm such a proud momma already and I haven't even met him! If he is anything like his daddy, he will be perfect!

Once we walked into to the ultrasound room, our ultrasound tech introduced herself, then I was prepped and the very second the light went out and the prob hit my tummy, she knew we were having a boy! There would have been absolutely NO WAY we would not have been able to notice he was a boy. He was very willing to let us look anywhere we wanted. He was very patient and did some really cute things!
We saw him drinking the amniotic fluid! It was so adorable!

His arms crossed over his face!

His head was on the right side of my abdomen and he was laying transverse. We looked at his profile first! He passed the test, no cleft lip in sight and that's when I saw the cutest little nose I have ever seen! That's when I started to cry. It was just a little tear at first, but then the magnitude of how blessed we are that the Lord would trust Dan and I enough to care for one of His sweet spirits, that my eyes turned into faucets. He trusts use enough to raise one of His son's in such a way that he will one day return to live with Him again. I was overcome with absolute peace. I cry just thinking about that precious moment that I will surely never forget!

Next, we looked at his skull and the tech measured his head circumference. His head was 20w 6d. We next looked at all the parts of his brain: the ventricles, the corpus callosum, the cerebellum, etc. Next we looked at his tiny beating heart. He has all four chambers, a patent formamen ovale and ductus arteriosus. His aorta is arched like it should be and his cardiac vessels are where they should be! His heart rate was 140-150s. Next, we looked at this stomach which is super tiny! We looked at the top of his abdomen. It looks like all of his bowels are inside of him which rules out gastroschisis and omphalocele. Next, we looked at his umbilical cord. It has toe arteries and one vein just as is should! My placenta is on the front of my uterus, which is probably the reason I haven't been able to feel our sweet boy move. Then, we saw that his bladder had urine in it, which means his kidneys are working. His ureters were the right size, 2mm. Sometimes baby boys have dilated ureters due to their outdoor pluming, which can be a normal abnormal, but our babies' were just perfect, which also indicates that his kidneys are working!

His little hand up by his face!

Next, we looked at his spine and yet again, he passed the test. All vertebra are there and accounted for. No indication of spina bifida that we could tell. Plus, he can move his legs, which is also a good sign that his spine works! Next, we looked at this legs and toes. His femur measured 19w 5d, which is exactly how far I am. He has the cutest little baby thighs, which means he'll probably be a runner like his momma! He also has all his finger and toes. To Dan and me it looked like his feet were pointed inward kinda like club feet, which worried us, but the ultrasound tech reassured us that with time, they should straighten out. It's also too early to diagnose club feet. What we were seeing was typical for our babies' age.

Runner Legs!!

That's about the time when our ultrasound tech started laughing. Now our tech was older and very experienced. She was probably 55 years old. I wouldn't say she was serious, she joked on occasion, but she definitely made us feel like she was there to do her job and make sure our baby was developing as it should. So when she started laughing, it caught us a little off guard. She apologized for laughing and explained herself. She said that what we had just seen was our little guy try to reach for his toes but caught a hold of his manhood on accident. We all laughed. Good thing our baby has no clue what he's doing! Another moment I'll never forget!

(The blackmail proof!)

At the end of the ultrasound, Dan got to drive for awhile. He did an excellent job! I was so impressed! On the way home, I thought I could feel out little guy kick by left ribs! Time will tell if what I feel is our little guy!

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